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A Feast Fit for A King Fabrics

A Feast Fit for A King Fabrics

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
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This is just for you, fabric lovers and eco-conscious dressmakers! A lavish feast with music and dancing as entertainment. It captures the Egyptians’ love of life and enjoyment of each other’s company. The painting provides a vivid insight into ancient Egyptians as people and forms a good starting point for looking into the lives and status of women in ancient Egypt This image is perfect for printing on natural fabrics as a garment, scarf or even upholstery.

Fabric’s Prices are from £15.50/each free size.

The price of each fabric will depend upon the type, dimensions etc., that customers select.   The prices will be calculated and charges accordingly.

The prices are dynamic and depend on the size of the fabric and fabric type. The prices on our store start from £15.50 and varies depending on the product, fabric and size.

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